Tuesday, August 16, 2011

CPSO trials & MRC similar to NKVD attack on scientists.

Rostislav Sergeevich Ilyin
(1891 - September 11, 1937) ... no other data
Rostislav S. Ilyin (Russian: Ростислав Сергеевич Ильин) - geologist, soil scientist, geomorphologist. He graduated from the Moscow State University in 1913, studied at the Moscow Agricultural Institute (1913-1917), one of the initiators of the cooperative movement.
Arrested on the denunciation in 1916 for sedition among the peasants.
In 1919-1922 worked in the Moscow "Gubzemotdel", then in the Soil Committee at the Narkomzem, combine jobs with the Research Institute of Soil Science at the Moscow State University as a teacher in the Department of Soil Science.
Rostislav S. Ilyin has been arrested as a socialist-revolutionist in 1920 and 1921.
In 1925 was arrested in Moscow and until 1927 was in prison.
Then Rostislav Ilyin was deported to Siberia in Narymsky region.
In 1927-1930 worked as a research associate and deputy director of the Vasyugansk "Agrometseti" in the Tomsk's colonization-resettlement party.
Participated in the Vasyuganskoy Soil-Botanical Expedition, explored the coast of the Ob near Kolpashevo.
The results of these studies was the book "The Origin of Loess" (issued in 1929 and published in the reduction in 1978), and the monograph "The Nature of Narymsky Province. Topography, Geology, Landscape, and Soil" (Tomsk, 1930).
At the beginning of 1931 has been redundant from the position of senior geologist, from March to December, 1931 - a prisoner of the Tomsk Closed Colony (prison, one-man cell).
In 1931 returned to the earlier work of the geologist in the Western Siberian State University, but has not been released by NKVD nor in Novosibirsk at the exit session of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences , nor in the Omsk, nor in the Kuznetsk.
In 1932, scientifically sounded the oil potential of the West Siberian Plain.
R.S. Ilyin's studies showed the role of soil processes in the formation of peat, coal, oil.
At the beginning of 1933 was moved from Tomsk to a dead exile in Minusinsk.
In March 1934 in connection with the termination of exile back to Tomsk, R.S. Ilyin was allowed to travel to Moscow and Leningrad. Qualification Commission Soil Institute found "certainly possible to award the degree of Ph.D. in soil science RS Il'in without a thesis."
Continuing to work in Tomsk, in 1936 headed the Ob-Irtysh Geological Party.
On June 12, 1937 was arrested.
August 25, sentenced to an extreme penalty (Russian: VMN).
Shot to the death in September 11, 1937.
Rehabilitated May 15, 1956.
Zaplavny S. Furious Rostyslav. Solar Cross. Sibirian Athens, 1995, 1; Ilyin I.R. Through the Thorns. Kishinev, 1990; Ilyin I.R. From the Soil to the Geology. (The Life and Scientific Activity, Rostislav S. Ilyin). Bul. MOIP, dep. geol., 1992, vol. 1; Krupenikov I.A., Ilyin I.R. The outstanding role of R.S. Ilyin in the History of Soil Science (100 th birthday). - Soil, 1991, № 7; Slavnin V.D. Tomsk occult. Tomsk, 1991; Slavnin D.P. Rostislav Sergeevich Ilyin - Soil Geologist. Voprosy. Geography of Siberia. 1974. Vol. 8; Hahlov V.A. etc. Rostislav Sergeevich Ilyin (on his 75 th birthday). - Geol. and geofiz., 1966, № 12, N.S. Ilyina, I.R. Ilyin - Repressed Geologists M-St.Petersburg: VSEGEI, 1999 (rus)

Past Editor of Canadian Medical Association Journal was Late Dr. Andrew Sherrington MA BM( Oxon.), Dip.Hist.Med.Soc.Apothecaries. Entered Oxford as Classical Scholar from Winchester College( founded 1382). During National Service  served as UK  Intelligence Officer. Trained at Westminster Hospital,London. Worked with WHO. Born Andrei ILYIN (c.1932). Mother was Russian BBC broadcaster.

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